In post #1 we covered three ways to gain early advantages in the game, let's look at films more closely.
You can get 9 skill points for a single film, each film has 3 stars to reach. The first star can give you 2 SP, 1 diamond or common gear, the second star can give you 3 Sp, 2 diamonds or rare gear, the third star can give you 4 SP, 3 diamonds or epic gear. The start menu for the films will show you on a mouse-over what the film gives. Each film is different ranging in time from 30 minutes to 3 hours.
The three missions for films are "task" "fighting" and "skill", each in 3 different levels from easy to medium and hard. Task gives the smallest amount of xp fighting the next and skill the most. You'll find that doing just tasks will not allow you to finish a film in the required amount of time, so make sure you watch your time and energy closely and adjust which ones you need to do to finish on time and avoid a note spending to continue. The longer a film, the more fans you get. You need fans to be able to complete party missions without spending diamonds to move to higher levels of the party, so doing films is something you should be doing as often as possible.
******IMPORTANT****** when you select a mission, the clock resets to 0, so you lose whatever seconds you had ticked down. Make sure you click immediately after it turns over to zero to avoid losing time. If you are doing mostly task missions, you'll find every second is important.
How to maximize your sp and time from doing films: You may refresh films at a cost of 9 diamonds to get three new choices. Do this if your choices do not have a film that gives you sp. Nine sp films are rare and probably not worth the cost of refreshing until you get one, but multi sp films happen about every 7 refreshes or so and is recommended for those people willing to buy diamonds. Also, to speed up your films, you may buy 15 energy boosts for 5 diamonds each, really good for making 3 hour films last minutes instead. Finally, instead of waiting an hour between films, there is a 19 diamond "skip" option which allows you to do the next film instantly. For those people who can not spend a lot of time playing, this is highly recommended.
Edited by CaptC, 18 November 2017 - 12:44 PM.
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