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Game play - strategies, ideas, tips and hidden gems

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#21 mountbara


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Posted 04 December 2017 - 10:02 PM

Thank you for this very informative post.  It really helps those of us starting out.  

very welcome :)

#22 mountbara


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Posted 27 December 2017 - 10:49 PM

My final series of posts will be for strategies in playing the game. There are several methods people use in playing, some are more effective than others. I will post them and let you decide on your own. These posts will be the gatherings of information from several sources and they will be credited in the posts. Look for the first one coming this Saturday.

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#23 mimesis


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Posted 28 December 2017 - 09:49 AM

I love this suspence!! :) 

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#24 mountbara


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Posted 31 December 2017 - 02:41 PM

There are many styles of play for this game, this first post will touch on all of them and later posts will go more in depth on each with strengths and weaknesses of each style. Credits to Jill4, bustyspiderbabes studio(captc) and mountbara for the information below.


the following is from Jill4 and the names are in the US2 server. This was written several months ago, so bear that in mind if you go looking members up. No insult is meant, comparisons are done for illustration purposes only.


Jill's Overalls
I see 4 major types of players in the game.  I can't say which is best for you.  Games are for fun.  Choose what is fun for you, but be aware of the eventual cost of your choice.  I've used more than 1 in my time in the game.  All have a weakness.
1.  The Racehorse:  The overall here is attaining levels as fast as possible.  This individual selects missions that give the highest possible experience / energy, the longest possible films, the film missions that give the most exp / energy, dickstarter missions that award energy or experience, etc..  All aspects of play are geared towards gaining levels as fast as humanly possible, with the idea of overpowering other players by being higher level and therefore wearing gear with higher skill and damage stats.
The racehorse will find himself running into problems.  Even if he keeps some extra gear high in each stat, he will eventually have extreme difficulty completing party skill missions.  Eventually (I'm told) it becomes impossible to complete parties no matter how many diamonds you spend.  Be prepared to forever get your ass kicked by players your own level.  In a level to level confrontation, the racehorse is the weakest style there is.
The biggest fallacy with this style becomes obvious when comparing my character with SpermDumpster.  Because it was an established server and I had time to spend playing a skillpoint based style, I have more than 9200 skillpoints more than her, even though I'm only 17 levels above her.  
2.  The Snail:  The overall theory of this style is to attain the highest possible amount of skillpoints / level.    This style will never treat you wrong.  You'll be strong as is possible vs bosses, party bosses and skill missions, hard fight missions, and every other aspect of the game.
The only weakness here is dueling and studio fights.  Because of the very slow leveling, other players will shoot by you and soon be wearing gear with higher stats and better damage.  You will destroy players your own level and many that are higher level, but for a long time, you will NOT be able to compete with the racehorse that's many levels above you.  Eventually, you'll kick his ass and wipe the board with his corpse, but it will be awhile.  
3.  The Hybrid:  This style combines the racehorse and the snail.  The overall is that skillpoints rule, but levels don't hurt.  When looking at the 4 missions available in an area, he selects the best paying mission, no matter whether it's paying out high skillpoints / energy or high experience / energy.  Whatever is best.  Skillpoints are preferred, but if there's no good skillpoint missions, so be it.  Film missions are the same, etc.  Skillpoints are a priority, but levels are not avoided.
As you can imagine, this is the best of both worlds.  Levels increase faster than the snail but slower than the racehorse.  Skillpoints increase faster than the racehorse but slower than the snail.  You're fairly strong vs bosses, in parties, and everywhere else in normal play.  In studio fights and duels, it will depend on whether facing a snail your own level, or a racehorse, and will vary with what level you're at in the game.  
This is living weaker than the snail in all aspects of the game other than dueling and studio fights.  Remember, the snail will eventually destroy you.
4.  The Spurt:  This player will also combine the racehorse and the snail.  The overall theory being you get higher paying missions as you gain levels.  Instead of playing the snail constantly, gain a lot of levels for awhile until you're having difficulty, then play the snail until you're again strong in parties, boss fights, and hard fight missions.  Rinse and repeat.
This one is truly living on the edge.  God help you.  I shouldn't like it, but even though I don't recommend it, I do like it.  Lol
The snail will eventually destroy you.
An interesting take. I have noticed at least 4 other styles of playing the game, the one that most newcomers to the game use is what I call the wanderer. They have no sense of purpose or direction, they just do whatever pops up on the board click click click. They do what looks interesting without any idea of what they are doing in the game. Most of these players quit before they reach level 50, but I have seen some as high as level 200.
the next is the mission success (or achievement) fiend.  This player's entire game play is centered around finishing achievements. If the mission or movie(parties, conventions etc) does not lead to an achievement, it's avoided. An interesting concept.
Another is the "I want to be leader at some part of the ranking list" player. They'll pick something, fans, movies done, glory, levels, batteries sent and they'll concentrate their play around becoming #1 in the game on that one thing.
and lastly there the planner. Their strategy is very long termed and they change their method of play to meet the needs they have at the time.
This post is getting entirely too long and we'll touch more on methods of play going into each style more in depth with the strengths and weakness of each one at a time.

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#25 CaptC


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Posted 31 December 2017 - 06:08 PM

I like the planned hybrid. Be a racehorse early, a snail later.  I must admit in my own gameplay, an element of the achievement fiend sneaks in.

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#26 mimesis


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Posted 02 January 2018 - 10:46 AM

I try to put myself into that classification and the result is...a new type of player: the unplanned hybrid. :D 

I strictly follow the inspiration of my pussy and the result is that I am compulsively collecting skill points in an attempt to boost my boobs - at least this is how I explain it to myself - while also following the flow of level progression and, at the same time, also paying attention to fashion and with the dream of winning the BBA.



#27 mountbara


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Posted 14 January 2018 - 01:00 PM

The Racehorse- what are the advantages and disadvantages to playing this style and exactly how do I do it?


To play the racehorse, your goal is highest experience possible per game time. Towards this end, you take whatever mission is the highest experience per energy point. Also, when you do films, you do the longest films possible and again, take the highest xp per point available for your film missions. You do not avoid achievement missions, but do not actively seek them out unless they give good xp per point. You'll want to use all available energy in a day, to allow yourself to gain as much xp as possible.


Advantages: you gain 2 skill points per level. You have access to higher sp gear, the higher your level, the higher gear you can access. It gives you faster access to higher areas of play in the game, which gives more access to achievement missions. It will allow you to duel people who started the game at the same time and who are not playing the racehorse and win. You'll rapidly move up the rankings of levels.


Disadvantages: While you are gaining levels, you are not gaining chunks of sp from achievement missions, which are most often not the highest xp mission. You may not be gaining the most notes possible, needed for buying sp. And you won't be getting many items from missions, which are always the lowest xp missions per energy. 


This is truly the weakest of the styles to play, unless you absolutely must speed through levels for some reason, it's to be avoided at all costs.

#28 CaptC


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Posted 14 January 2018 - 03:36 PM

I do not completely agree with your final assessment, mountbara. A studio of racehorses can be quite effective. But they ALL need to be racehorses.


The problem comes when you mix styles. Then your studio suffers in studio fights. Your snails are relegated to the middle of your fight order, and you end up with relatively weak avatars throwing cakes.  All other things being equal, a combo studio is not getting optimal use from their combined skills, compared to a studio of either racehorses or snails.


A studio full of racehorses against a studio full of snails?  ...I'd bet on the snails, but that is a very very long term fight, and other variables are far more likely to be pivotal.

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#29 mountbara


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Posted 14 January 2018 - 11:51 PM

I do not completely agree with your final assessment, mountbara. A studio of racehorses can be quite effective. But they ALL need to be racehorses.


The problem comes when you mix styles. Then your studio suffers in studio fights. Your snails are relegated to the middle of your fight order, and you end up with relatively weak avatars throwing cakes.  All other things being equal, a combo studio is not getting optimal use from their combined skills, compared to a studio of either racehorses or snails.


A studio full of racehorses against a studio full of snails?  ...I'd bet on the snails, but that is a very very long term fight, and other variables are far more likely to be pivotal.

You may be right in certain circumstances, all I know is that I have many thousands of sp more than all the racehorses on the US2 server.

#30 Abby8


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Posted 15 January 2018 - 03:12 AM

How does a person's cost to benefit ration work into the various play styles?

#31 CaptC


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Posted 15 January 2018 - 05:23 PM

You may be right in certain circumstances, all I know is that I have many thousands of sp more than all the racehorses on the US2 server.


I completely agree that if a racehorse stays a racehorse forever, it is a weak character. My theory is that racehorses get killed by challenges scaled to level.  IE - eventually the race horse stops doing hard skill missions, or whiplash, or the hard skill tasks for films. Certain things that are valuable, stop being valuable, because they can't succeed at them. That spirals negatively, and more and more things become hard or impossible. Eventually, the racehorse is taking just timed missions high in experience... and getting relatively feebler and feebler.

To some degree, diamonds can compensate. If a racehorse always has the latest gear and missiles, commensurate with their level, with the best refinements, they can hold their own against less well-heeled snails.

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#32 CaptC


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Posted 15 January 2018 - 05:26 PM

How does a person's cost to benefit ration work into the various play styles?


If you are asking what effect diamonds have?  The more you can buy, the stronger you are in every play style. But I would argue that people buying their way through the game tend to be impatient, and thus are often racehorses by nature.

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#33 mountbara


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Posted 15 January 2018 - 10:57 PM

I completely agree that if a racehorse stays a racehorse forever, it is a weak character. My theory is that racehorses get killed by challenges scaled to level.  IE - eventually the race horse stops doing hard skill missions, or whiplash, or the hard skill tasks for films. Certain things that are valuable, stop being valuable, because they can't succeed at them. That spirals negatively, and more and more things become hard or impossible. Eventually, the racehorse is taking just timed missions high in experience... and getting relatively feebler and feebler.

To some degree, diamonds can compensate. If a racehorse always has the latest gear and missiles, commensurate with their level, with the best refinements, they can hold their own against less well-heeled snails.

Yes I am not talking about hybrids yet, just sticking with one style of play. Hybrids are for another post :D

#34 Abby8


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Posted 16 January 2018 - 03:34 AM

If you are asking what effect diamonds have?  The more you can buy, the stronger you are in every play style. But I would argue that people buying their way through the game tend to be impatient, and thus are often racehorses by nature.


Everyone who plays invests a measure of time into the game, the expectation for the amount of time invested is a measure of entertainment in return. At some point one will reach a point that there is no longer any entertainment received for playing the game so a person then quits and idle deletes after 105 days. 

#35 mountbara


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Posted 16 January 2018 - 11:45 AM

Everyone who plays invests a measure of time into the game, the expectation for the amount of time invested is a measure of entertainment in return. At some point one will reach a point that there is no longer any entertainment received for playing the game so a person then quits and idle deletes after 105 days. 

It's different for each person and how much they value interaction with other players. It will be a long time before I reach that point, if ever

#36 mimesis


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Posted 16 January 2018 - 03:32 PM

I feel i have to participate to the debate. I feel it in my pussy and thus i have to act.
I am definitely a snail. Or a hybrid: a very elegant snail wearing a prada dress. :D
The result of this unconscious strategy is that in spite of being level 241, im am 72nd in the glory rankings and i can beat players up to level 300.
Of course if i was in a studio able to get film trophies, i would be even stronger: on average i gain 15 skill points per day and in that case i would gain 19 or even more.
Of course in order to do that you need diamonds. Even if i enjoy every minute that i spend in the studio with my boys and girls i have a life (husband,son, work) and so only by shortening idle wait times with diamonds i can collect all those skill points within my limited play time.
In any case i also have to say that i find rewarding playing bbe because of the interaction with the other players. Without an active chat like we have in DCS i would already have left months ago.
So as a conclusion i would say that the strength of a player is proportional to the number of orgasms per day achieved while playing and to the amount of diamonds she can spend. :D
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#37 mountbara


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Posted 21 June 2018 - 01:05 PM

Duels - maximizing number of duels you can do in a day for achievements, glory gain, or events:  If your studio has no dueling trophies, your courage number for each duel is 20. Each duel cost your 20 courage to do, and you start with 100. This means you can do 5 duels immediately. Once you do them, your courage drops to zero, and here is the important point: from 0 to 20, your courage grows faster than once it reaches 20.Almost twice as fast. So every time your courage reaches 20, do another duel.  This only changes slightly with the addition of studio dueling trophies. Each trophy gives and additional 20 courage and takes 2 points off the amount needed to duel. One trophy means you start with 120 courage, and it takes 18 points of courage to do a duel. This also means your timer speed on gaining courage slows down at 18, instead of 20. And this number adds as more trophies are had. Two trophies, 140 and 16, three trophies 160 and 14, four trophies 160 and 12 and five dueling trophies, 180 and 10.


You can pick up a bunch of extra duels in a day by doing them as soon as your timer goes to where you can do them. It is just possible to get 100 duels in without trophies in a days time, 1 every 10 minutes 6 an hour x 17 hours = 102.  100 Duels is the number needed for the highest duel achievement in a a day.

#38 CaptC


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Posted 21 June 2018 - 05:42 PM

It takes 30 seconds to add a courage point while you have less courage than you need to duel. After you have enough, it takes 3 minutes to add a courage point. The speed differential is times six.

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#39 mountbara


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Posted 21 June 2018 - 08:11 PM

well there you go then :) keep it zero as often as possible lol

It takes 30 seconds to add a courage point while you have less courage than you need to duel. After you have enough, it takes 3 minutes to add a courage point. The speed differential is times six.

#40 mountbara


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Posted 12 December 2020 - 10:51 PM

2nd Chance Chick List
Wendy the Waitress
60 pictures / 30 Towels / 60 fight / 2 shop refreshes
Becki the Mudbrawler
40 Duels / 20 strength / 10 Towels / 2 shop refreshes
Cowgirl Christina
60 Missions / 10 Pictures / 20 Movie Missions / 10 Finesse
Donna the Submissive
60 Fights / 2 3-Star Movies / 2 shop refreshes / 20 Pillows
Los Vengeles
Fanny the Fangirl
20 Autographs / 60 Fights / 2 Shops / 2 3-Star Movies
Sasha the Secretary
20 Charisma / 2 3-Star Movies / 2 Shops / 300 Energy
Gina the Gym Instructor
10 Finesse / 300 energy / 10 yoga mats / 10 Cons
Santo Roco
Cassy the Cheerleader
40 Skill Missions / 300 Energy / 2 Shops / 2 Con Shows
Pornstar Nikki Neverno
60 Fights / 20 Finesse / 2 Con Shows / 300 Energy
Haley the Housewife
2 Shop Refreshes / 2 3-star Movies / 60 Fights / 300 Energy
Police Officer Peggy
10 Pictures / 60 Time / 2 3-Star Movies / 300 Energy
Sally the Sailor 
10 Finesse / 10 Towels / 10 wood / 10 Strength

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