Someone posted an idea of having the possibility to use other actors in one's films, but with that idea, comes the thought of having to request permission to use that character's likeness in their films. So, what I propose is maybe making a way for studios, as a whole, to submit films maybe once per week or something.
It could be similar to the studio fights, in that a Studio Film Production will also be an event in which everyone can participate in. Each Studio member would submit an Actor, a Title, Supporting Actor, Layout, Cleavage, Background, Border, and Filter. From there, the Studio Boss and the Producers would put together the film for the whole studio to submit. Studio Diamonds and Cash can be used to insert extra features maybe, or if the Studio title needs to be changed. The different options could be on a first-come, first-served basis. So, if I logged on as a member and an Actor, Supporting Actor, Background, and Filter were already selected for the film studio, I could submit a Title, or Cleavage shot to be used in the final film for the studio.
I think this could get some more participation and talking in Studio chats and help them as they come together to produce films for the entire studio which could be voted on every week.
There could also be some tweaks to this idea as well, so if you have any ideas or suggestions that might help make this better, let us know what you think.
Edited by Sadie2, 02 January 2017 - 04:16 PM.