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Basking Lizard Studios - a laid back studio open for casual players

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#1 Aedeagus



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Posted 07 June 2019 - 10:51 PM

Name: Basking Lizard Studios
Server: int1
Studio leader: Aedeagus

Studio size:15/30
Facilities: 17/50
Popularity: 15/50
Motivation: 19/50
Quick summary:

  • everyone's welcome
  • no requirements
  • you won't be removed

Detailed description:
If you'd like some of the studio benefits but are worried about extra obligations, this is the place for you. Can't log in every day? Don't want to buy diamonds? That's cool. My radical policy idea is: instead of trying to be very best, I want to be the most player-friendly studio around. And by that I mean a studio you'll be the least likely to find yourself removed from. Here's a couple of more specific rules I'm setting for myself:

  • NO minimum requirements.
  • You will NOT be removed in favor of a better player.

Being a member of Basking Lizard Studios comes with only one requirement: wanting to be a member of Basking Lizard Studios. That's all! And so, conversely, if I ever do end up removing any players, I'll do my best to only delete the ones who would care the least about being removed. We know how it is - low level players are the ones most likely to abandon the game, and my kindness will not be much use for someone who's never gonna play Big Bang Empire again. So if I ever reach the member limit and find someone wanting to join me despite the lack of free space, I might remove someone inactive.
You might be removed if:

  • there are no free spots on the member list and someone else wants to join
  • you're the LEAST active player in the studio
  • you have already been inactive for quite a while
  • you never said that you might be inactive and you don't want to be removed. Just saying that would show that you care.

In addition to that, if you do find yourself removed but want to come back, just message me and you're almost guaranteed to be invited right back. Like I said, it's all about wanting to be here.
And since Basking Lizard Studios is a place for everyone...
Are you an evil, disloyal studio hopper?
Guess what - as long as there's some free space left, you're still welcome. I just hope you're gonna get me some extra Temple Points before leaving for a studio with a fancier bed... and of course, you're not gonna get prioritized over someone who actually wants to be a member.





So, this is all pretty crazy and experimental. I've never seen a studio with this kinda ruleset. The way I set it up, I'd pretty much be the only studio member with any sort of rules to adhere to. Could it possibly work out? Well, there's only one way to find out...

Let's get it on!

  • mountbara likes this

Got kicked out for missing a studio fight? Come chill out with the 🦎basking lizards (int1)🦎 instead! Take what you can, give nothing back, drink up me hearties yo ho!

#2 Guest_dparadise_*

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Posted 08 June 2019 - 12:08 PM

Best of luck in your endeavors Aedeagus, good luck recruiting and best wishes for your studio :)

#3 Aedeagus



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Posted 08 August 2019 - 10:18 PM

Thank you for the wishes of good fortune! Since posting my ad, I gained three new members... including one who never logged in again and another who voted to remove me ten seconds after joining :P But like they said in the Lonely Island song... STILL COUNTS! :D

  • Chubbylee likes this

Got kicked out for missing a studio fight? Come chill out with the 🦎basking lizards (int1)🦎 instead! Take what you can, give nothing back, drink up me hearties yo ho!

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